Seeing Is Believing Children's Program

We know that limited vision can mean limited learning for students—but it doesn’t have to!
Seeing Is Believing, an in-school outreach program, is designed to help K-12 children with low vision in Illinois receive low vision diagnostic services and optical devices free of charge. Exams and devices are funded 100% by grants and donations from the Lions Club, White Sox Charities, Perritt Foundation and individual donors.
The low vision aids, prescribed by our doctors, are often the only means by which students with vision loss can participate in classroom activities.
During the diagnostic exam, parents, students and teachers receive education about the student’s diagnosis and tips to help the student succeed. Parents and students leave feeling encouraged and empowered.
Seeing Is Believing is available to students, grades K-12, throughout Illinois. If you are interested in having this program available in your child’s school, care should be coordinated, in conjuncture with Spectrios, through your local school district.
For more information, contact the Seeing Is Believing children’s program manager at (630) 690-7115, ext. 132.
Grandma Martyl Youth Programs for Children with Low Vision
In addition to the clinics, we provide enrichment programing for children with low vision and their parents. This programing has been created to provide families the opportunity to create community. For many of our students, our camps are the first time they have met another person with vision loss and our parent programs provide connection and support with other who “get it.”
This programming has been funded by a generous grant from the Reinsdorf Family, in memory of “Grandma Martyl” Reinsdorf.