
Fall Tech Tip Wrap-up

Pumpkin spice, apples, and making your world cozy comes with the cool nights and autumn leaves. This is the time for reading a good book or binge watching a new

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Meet Nancy

When you get the news that you have vision loss, it is a blow.  What will you do now?  Many patients learn they are going to lose their vision and

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Tech Tip: Let’s Play

“You don’t have to See it to Tee it!” is the motto of the US Blind Golfers Association. Our access technology guru, Chris Retzke says, “I’m not a golfer, but

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Driving with Vision Loss

Grabbing your car keys and running a quick errand is something many take for granted and losing that ability has a profound impact on one’s sense of self and independence.

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Eccentric Viewing

One of the most common complaints patients with macular degeneration share with us is that they are unable to see their loved ones’ faces. Recently, a distraught patient told us

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Meet Kerri

“One of the gifts of my vision loss is that I get to see how good people can be,” says Kerri Largo, PhD. Kerri was diagnosed with Stargardt’s when she

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