Did you know that a portion of every purchase you make on Amazon can be donated to Spectrios Institute for Low Vision?
The average donation per Amazon customer is small, $5 a year. That said, if everyone who receives our mailings shopped through Smile we would raise $37,500 a year, and that’s something to smile about.
Directions on how to set up your account:
- Go to Smile.Amazon.com
- Log into your Amazon account (you will need your log-in information).
- You will see the highlighted charities, go below that and you will see: “Or pick your own charitable organization.”
- In the box type: Spectrios Institute for Low Vision and hit search.
- Spectrios will show up on the list and you will select it.
- A pop-up will come up to confirm that this is the charity you selected. You can click yes, if it shows Spectrios.
- Still need help? Contact Susanna at PerrettS@spectrios.org and she will walk you through it.
You will have to type Smile.Amazon.com when you are placing an order, and a portion of the money you spend will come back to Spectrios.