Spectrios Re-Opens to In-Person Appointments
Welcome Back!
The Spectrios Team has been diligently preparing for our reopening on June 1st. We have implemented several safety measures throughout the Deicke House of Hope in order to limit exposure and provide a safe environment for our patients and staff.
Despite physical changes taking place within our Clinic, we will continue to provide a high-quality low vision rehabilitation program with a goal of enhancing each patient’s quality of life and independence. Your Spectrios experience in-person or through telehealth will remain as valuable, educational, and empowering. We look forward to seeing you soon!
What to expect during your appointment:
- Our office will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening questions. You will be asked those same questions again when you are in the office.
- Wear your mask to your appointment.
- We will ask you to remain in your car and call the office when you arrive.
- We will have hand sanitizer upon arrival and your temperature will be taken.
- Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. We will have greater time between patients for cleaning.
- We continue to encourage each patient to bring a loved one, coach to provide support, but we ask that only one person accompany the patient.
This video details all the changes we have made to ensure your safety!